As summer returns, I am excited by all the activity at the Danish American Center. The COVID-19 restrictions are loosening. The north porch is being freshly painted and arranged to serve as our office. The living room has been repainted and mah-jongg has returned on Wednesdays. Over the summer the old office walls will come down and a new gathering space will be created. Life is bubbling again at the DAC. I would also encourage you to check out the DAC library on the first floor. One of the projects for the summer is to modify the toilet in the library to open into the hallway so we can use it more easily.
It has been used for book storage. I want to thank, Julianne Haahr, for her capable contribution on the book sorting project. Our outdoor æbleskiver breakfast was a huge success. We served about 500 æbleskiver to our members and their guests. And as you will read here, there will be a simplified Danish Day on Sunday, June 6. Check out the details. And on Wednesday, June 16, informal lunches will begin on the lawn. As we look ahead into the summer and fall, there will be an election at the annual meeting for several new board members. Peter Gantriis, Ginny Leppart, and I will complete our second terms on the board. If you have any interest in serving on the board or would like to nominate someone, please contact the Board Development Committee, Steen Moeller or Niels Billund, or just send an email to We plan to have our annual meeting on September 26 at which time those elections will take place. Mark your calendar. Tusind tak to all who have continued to support the DAC during these complicated times. We have weathered the storm and look forward to smooth sailing into the years ahead.
Diane Greve