Notes from the President

Greetings everyone! As I write this, I’m reflecting on the wonderful Julefest evening we enjoyed last night. Once again, I am reminded of how fortunate we are to have such a terrific community and so many generous volunteers. Thanks to all who contributed and joined us for a fabulous meal and celebration! At the November DAC Board meeting, the Board voted to move forward with a staffing plan recommended by the DAC Personnel Committee. This plan provides for two salaried positions: Administrative Manager and Guest Services Manager.
The Administrative Manager will manage membership enrollment and services, rental contracts, and general office duties. The Guest Services Manager is a live-in position that supports DAC-sponsored events, outside rental events, and provides support to guests using our room rental services. Tina Paulsen has accepted the position of Guest Services Manager and will start in her new role on January 1. We are in the process of advertising for an Administrative Manager, and we will fill this role as soon as an appropriate hire can be made. Please welcome Tina into her new role and share information about the open Administrative Manager position with anyone that may be interested in submitting an application. We believe that the move to professionalize our staffing at DAC will allow for better service for our members and for outside organizations that rent our facilities. It will also provide consistency in meeting documentation and reporting requirements and help to support the DAC as our organization continues to grow. Regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages on our premises, we are actively pursuing every avenue we can to allow members greater flexibility with regard to consuming alcohol at the Danish American Center. Our DAC facility is unusual, in that we have private membership, a building licensed to accommodate overnight stays, a full kitchen, and private meeting and dining rooms. We have 700+ members who can rent rooms to stay overnight, have parties, and private meetings. We are neither a bar, nor a restaurant. Therefore, the laws and ordinances governing our use of alcoholic beverages vary depending upon what the event is, how many special licenses and permits we have been issued in the year, and what permits are needed or reserved for future events. It is important that we are knowledgeable concerning exactly what we are allowed to do in each separate situation. I am overseeing the preparation of exact written guidance for each of us to use. That guidance will be approved by the City of Minneapolis, and the State of Minnesota, and will be accompanied by copies of applicable statutes, ordinances, and policies. Thank you for your patience as we proceed with developing the guidance to be followed. I will keep you informed!
Peter Gantriis