Camps & Clubs

Danebod Family Camps
A group dedicated to educational seminars designed to cultivate social skills.
Originally conceived as a training camp for leaders, Danebod Family Camps have evolved into a unique experience that celebrates the Grundtvigian spirit in a week long camp designed for people of all ages. The purpose of the camp as stated in their guidelines is "to foster personal growth or development, to awaken participants to realize their potential as human beings, and to cultivate the art of 'how to live'. These purposes are best attained in an atmosphere of freedom of thought, mutual trust and concern, in an environment that accepts people for what they are -- regardless of age, race, sex, color or creed and in situations where lasting fellowship and friendship are created through personal interaction in group discussion, song, dance, crafts and games." Holding three one-week sessions during the summer vacation months at the Danebod campus in Tyler, Minnesota, the camps offer an opportunity for a true "family" vacation. Visit their site for more information.