From the President - December 2024

It’s getting colder outside, and as the holidays approach, I am reminded of the things for which I am grateful.
I am grateful for a thriving community here at the DAC. As I write this, I’m seeing the decorations for the holidays. The Heritage Room will be filled with lovely Christmas
decor, some of which dates back over 100 years. The holiday season is always fun at the DAC. So many wonderful events, and lots of happy faces coming in to see friends and family. Our calendar will be overflowing with exciting events. Julefrokost, Children’s Christmas party, and so many other fun events and activities.
I am grateful for the countless hours that our volunteers devote to the DAC every year. Our organization is built on the energetic, tireless commitments of our members, and I am forever amazed at their efforts and generosity. I am also grateful for our paid staff, who keep our organization and our building in operation. They are committed to the mission of the DAC, and I am grateful for their talent and hard work, and their efforts keep our organization on track, and delivering on our mission of service in good will to our members.
I am grateful for an active group of board members. Every time we get together, I’m reminded of how capable everyone is, and how willing they are to step up and help with important projects and keep our organization focused on our tasks and mission at hand. From organizing our special events, our dinners, concerts, fundraising, managing the physical property on the river Parkway, and coordinating with our member volunteers, our board has been focused and strong. I am very honored to be a part of such a capable and motivated group.
Finally, and most importantly, I am grateful for all of our DAC members. Our organization has survived and thrived for 100 years. This has been made possible through our collective contributions to this wonderful organization. My family have been members of this organization for four generations, and I feel honored and humbled to be a steward of an organization that has roots dating back for a century. I am confident that we will continue to thrive for the next 100 years.
Pete Gantriis