Notes From the Vice President

I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are enjoying the beautiful fall weather.
On Sunday, September 25th, we held our annual meeting. We're happy to welcome eight new members to the board, one member coming back to serve again and pleased that Rikke will be serving again as our President. Many thanks to those who have served in the past and volunteered their time. The financials were provided and business here at the DAC remains strong. We made it through the pandemic and things are going well.
Concerts, happy hours and breakfasts are among some of the events going on. We have had several groups stay here and the rentals continue to increase in the upcoming months. We are in the early planning stages for some of the holiday events. There is a lot going on! We are now over 800 members for the first time!
As a member of the board, we are always looking for ideas, suggestions and ways to improve. Please do not hesitate to contact any one of us on the board, or the DAC office. We are always looking for volunteers to help with events. Keep an eye on the website and Facebook page (with 3500 followers!) for upcoming events and opportunities.
Thanks for all your support!