Notes From the Secretary

Notes From the Secretary
Glædelig Jul!
The holiday season brings back memories of family and community traditions, and these thoughts warm our hearts on cold, white winter nights. The DAC Jul events connect us to the generations of Danes who we count among our friends and families who have sung the songs, danced around the tree, and eaten foods as only Danes can prepare. It is through the myriad little touches that distinguish Denmark including special foods, heart baskets, flags decorating the tree, dancing around the tree, gathering, and singing that we stay connected as families and as a community, and the DAC is at the center of many of these living traditions. I say living because the heart of the tradition carries on sometimes in new ways. For example, our Jul Sangfest will move to the morning with the hope that more children and families can attend. Another long-standing tradition is the Danish decorated room at the American Swedish Institute where we share with the wider community the special ways Danes celebrate the holiday. This year's room is highlighted by a tree in the center of the room, showing how we hold hands and dance around the tree. You may not have space at your home, but we have several opportunities in December to celebrate and dance around the tree. Cross your fingers that the Jul Frokost is not yet sold out and you might still be able to get a seat. A new generation is learning how to present this perennial favorite holiday meal. We want to keep traditions going that involve our members across generations. This season is also the time when we purchase presents for our loved ones. Do put DAC on your list this year. It is through your contributions we can offer the programs you identify with your Danish traditions. Please donate to the DAC so we can meet our end-of-year fundraising goal and keep these traditions alive.
Susan Jacobsen