Let the Bidding Begin!

DAC first annual Samfundssind online auction - click here to enter the auction.
Samfundssind Auction is Now Open!
Our Samfundssind Silent Auction is open for bidding!
To participate, go to the 32Auctions website:
Directions for registering to use 32Auctions:
- Choose at the right top of the screen LOGIN
- At the right of the LOGIN button, click "create an account now"
- On the next screen, add your name, email address and create a password. Click all boxes- that you are legal age, understand the terms of use, understand the privacy policy and that you are not a robot
- The site will send you an email to complete your registration. When you get the email, click OK and you'll be registered
- You can explore all the items on the 32Auctions site. Only add your credit card information when you're ready to pay. Remember, you may pay in cash when you pick up your items on March 20th.
You can view all items and bid. If you bid on something, make sure to circle back to see if somebody else has outbid you! You can raise your bid through March 14th. Once the auction is over, we'll contact you if you won the bid. If you prefer not to purchase anything, there will be a place where you can simply donate to the DAC.
On Saturday, March 20 from 10am-2pm, we will hold an outdoor pickup event at the DAC. We'll have coffee and treats for you to enjoy! If there are items that were not bid on, or are more garage sale appropriate, we'll have those items out for you to peruse while you sip your coffee. It's the first day of spring, so cross your fingers for nice weather!
If you have questions, contact the DAC Office or Lisa Jensen at 612-430-2741.
Thank you from the Auction Committee
Janet Odgen-Brackett, Jane Carlson & Lisa Jensen