Latest News from the Danish American Center

Greetings! As we watch our seasons change, we have much to look forward to at the DAC. At our most recent board meeting, we were joined by Paul and Lisa Jensen. They presented plans for landscape improvements to our property, focusing on improvements to the front of the building that faces West River Parkway. Paul and Lisa hired a professional landscape architect to draw up the plans, and they will be breaking ground on the new landscaping this fall. They are doing it in honor of their father, Vagn Jensen, who was a very active DAC member for many years. The plans look terrific, and this will bring welcome improvements to the appearance of our property facing the parkway. Above all, this is a wonderful way to honor their father, and we are grateful for the donation.
In addition, the board took care of some new business. We received a proposal by the Viking Guild to form a new activity group at DAC. The board reviewed and approved the application, and we will be excited to see some new activities and welcome new members. We also welcomed two new board members—Ryan Maki and Dana Bacon. Dana and Ryan were elected at the Annual Meeting and we are very pleased to have them join the board.
On the organizational side of things, I am actively seeking partnerships for the DAC for liquor licensing. As you know, we have retained our Rental Hall permit for this year, but we have many events where we would like to serve alcohol and we need to have better options. To that end, I’m exploring partnership opportunities with other establishments and organizations like ours. Hopefully, we can find a long-term arrangement that will give us the flexibility we desire to have alcohol available at more events during the year. This has been a hot topic for a while now, and I have received a lot of feedback indicating that we need to have more social events where alcohol is available as an option. Rest assured that we are doing everything we can to facilitate the types of gatherings that we all want to have at the DAC, but it is essential that we abide by all applicable City and State regulations.
I have listened to your feedback, and I am working diligently to meet your requests. As always, I am grateful for your support.
Pete Gantriis