From the President - February 2025

Spring is soon to arrive, and the DAC continues to flourish.
I’m thrilled with how well our partnership has gone with the Minnesota Orchestra. We had volunteers at their Nordic Soundscapes Festival throughout January. Notably, our own Taylor Ann Grand performed with Lisa Jensen at Orchestra Hall as part of the Nordic Soundscapes kick-off weekend, which was recently featured in the New York Times. These special events are exciting and fun. It is a chance for us to show off the talent that we have here at the DAC, and also a chance for us to reach out to the community and help people learn about our organization. Hopefully these efforts will bring us rewards in the form of positive engagement with the city and growth in our membership.
Our popular concert series, Music on the Mississippi, will resume for 2025. We have four concerts on the calendar so far and are planning to add more. The success of these events is due to the very active volunteers on this committee. Music on the Mississippi is a high profile series, and I am grateful to all those who volunteer their time to make these special events happen.
Finally, I want to give a shout out to our DAC building committee. Over the past few months, some significant improvements have been made to our property, and we are reaping the rewards. The new boiler system is working beautifully, and it is far more efficient than the old one that it replaced. Our building committee has also added security cameras and an alarm system to improve our building’s security. The Building Committee is actively looking at other improvements to our activity spaces and our building’s infrastructure, as well. This work happens behind the scenes, but it is absolutely essential to our operations here at the DAC.
As always, I am grateful to ALL of our DAC volunteers and staff for making the magic happen here at the Danish American Center.
Pete Gantriis