Dear Members – we need your help!
Posted:Jan 22nd, 2021 11:44 amDear Members – we need your help!
It has been a strange and challenging year. In some ways, we are glad that our fiscal year starts July 1st so that over the next months, until June 2021, we can find ways to make up some ground that we have lost.
Although in-person programming stopped way back in March, you will be happy to learn that the Board has used this time well. We have upgraded our membership software, we have moved our accounting system online, and we have a beautiful new website, which we have the pleasure of officially introducing to you here: Please visit our new website, sign into your member profile, fill in additional member information, view our pages and photos, and take a virtual tour of our beautiful building.
Because of Covid-19, we will not generate much income again until spring. The combination of nearly no income-generating activity, no fundraising events and the expenses of needed new systems and operating costs for the building has left us with an income deficit. We have financial reserves to carry us through these times and we are diligent with our resources. We hope you can help such that we are ready to restart all our activities and plans that keep the DAC strong, vibrant and viable.

Our ask to all of our members and friends:
Please consider donating to the DAC before December 31, 2020 to preserves the financial strength of the DAC. And the great news is that with your donation, all of us can enjoy an above the line deduction this year. Donations can be made by credit or debit card on the new website,, or by mailing a check to the “Danish American Center” at 3030 West River Parkway S., Minneapolis, MN 55406.
Use the above-the-line charitable deduction. Everyone is entitled to a charitable deduction this year. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) doubled the standard deduction while repealing or limiting many itemized deductions, leaving millions fewer taxpayers claiming actual itemized deductions. Typically, there is no tax benefit for giving to charity unless you itemize deductions. However, the CARES Act created an above-the-line deduction of up to $300 for cash contributions from taxpayers who don’t itemize. If you would like to take advantage of this provision, make sure to donate before the end of the year.
Tusind tak from our Danish American Center organization! We look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you virtually and hopefully in person again soon.
DAC Leadership Members Include: Diane Greve, Rikke Dierssen-Morice, Janet Ogden-Brackett, Laura Forslev, Cathy Mahowald, Ron Grand (the Executive Committee), Niels Billund, Jane Carlson, Peter Gantriis, Lars Hesbjerg, Lisa Jensen, Erik Kristoffersen, Ginny Leppart, Steen Moeller, Mette Pedersen, Grethe Petersen, Julie Robbins (altogether the Board), and Tina Paulsen (Office Manager).