From the President - March 2024

Our seasons are turning to spring, and as we look forward to warm weather and sunshine, we continue to enjoy the activities and events that make us happy at the Danish American Center. Our calendar is full of exciting activities for members, and we are in the planning stages for some new initiatives. At the last board meeting, some significant initiatives became a reality. Firstly, the Board formalized the hiring plan for a new office administrator. We have received applications from several qualified candidates, and we eagerly anticipate hiring a manager to help us with the day-to-day operations of the DAC. The board also made a change to the committees, establishing a development committee. This new committee, headed by EJ Gurley, will work together with the finance committee to plan and initiate new fundraising strategies. The board also assembled activities committees for several of our upcoming events, including Open Doors in May, and Danish Day in June. In addition to these events, we will also be hosting the meeting of the Board of the Museum of Danish America. This gathering will be hosted at the DAC in mid-June, and we expect to host a reception and dinner gathering for their Board and DAC guests.
More information about this event will be coming soon. Finally, our discussions with the City about permits have led us to the conclusion that we need to explore new options for rental hall permits, and liquor license. The discussions with the city continue and remain fruitful. However, the board is taking a long-term strategic look at the goals of the DAC, and the events and functions that we want to be able to host. We are continuing our dialogue with the city licensing officials, and we will be submitting new permit applications within the next few weeks.
On a personal note, this has been a very difficult month for me. My mother, Greta Gantriis, a longtime DAC member and volunteer passed away peacefully on February 1 at the age of 89. The outpouring of support and love from the DAC for our family has been wonderful, and I am grateful every day for the people of this community.
Peter Gantriis